Group of the Northern Bytes Flyball team posing for a group photo

About Us

The Northern Bytes Flyball Team runs under British Flyball Association Rules – we Train, Race and have fun! We are the oldest team still running in the North West Team, registered in 1997.

We currently train in a section of Heaton Park in Manchester that is easily accessible to get to by car or by walking, (J17-J19) off the M60. Unfortunately we are not taking on any new members for the time being. We will update our website and socials when we are, so keep an eye out!

Please do check out our active Facebook page and our Instagram for the latest on what we’re up to as a team.

Team Captain

Hi, I’m Bernice and I have been team captain of Northern Bytes since 2018! I have been doing flyball with the team since 2016 when my nana joined with her very ball mad terrier! I came to the first training session with the only intention of running for my nan (which at the time wasn’t needed!) And I very quickly got roped in with my own dogs and never left!

I currently own the 3 smallest dogs on the Bytes, Titan & Aria who are retired from racing, and Marvel who is currently run by my younger sister.

When I’m not at flyball I run my own positive reinforcement-based business at BK-9 Salford Dog Training. I am working towards being an accredited trainer with the IMDT and will always continue to build my knowledge of dogs.

Flyball to me is not just a dog sport, but an amazing little family that I have been grateful to have the pleasure of being a part of all these years ❤

Bernice the Flyball team captain posing for a photo with her dogs

Bytes was originally founded by Doreen Smith around 1993. She ran the team for many years, running 16 of her own dogs (consisting of Collies, Terriers, Spaniels and crossbreeds) as well as helping out many other teams during this time.

Doreen owned Rosie the Yorkshire terrier who ran her little legs off and was the first terrier to reach 1000 points and she is still the BFA’s top Yorkie holding the most points!

Doreen has recently decided to hang her flyball boots up and retire from the sport, but she still continues to support and cheer the team on from afar.

Meet the team

Google map of Heaton Park Manchester